Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Campaign Event Parameters and Variables

Link Campaign Event Parameters to existing Global Recipient Variables and Global Recipient Campaign Variables to allow event variables to automatically be set to the value from the import file or API event, therefore allowing actions within the same Campaign, or further Campaigns, to be sent to recipients based on events.


For example, if a recipient has dropped a basket with items in, they can be sent an Email asking whether they still want to purchase this item.

  1. Click on the Associated Item drop-down menu. If the variable is a numeric variable, ensure the Numeric Value check box is selected.
  2. Select the relevant variable.
  3. Click Create.

After the Parameter has been linked to the variable, and the event has been processed, the linked variable is set to the value in the event parameter, allowing the variable to be used in tactics and tracks.


If a number of events for the same recipient are imported the variable is set to the value of the last occurrence of the event in the file.

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